Beware of Green Grant Scams: Landlords Alerted

Councils nationwide are warning landlords and letting agents to guard against green grant scams.

The government is pumping billions of pounds into energy efficiency schemes to decarbonise homes.

Councils warn that although many green schemes are genuine and often free, rising numbers of rogue traders are trying to grab a slice of the cash by carrying out substandard works and charging for additional jobs not part of a contract.

Letting agent trade body Propertymark urges landlords to check any scheme and installer before agreeing on any work.

Six jailed for £10m energy efficiency fraud

Many scams involve cold-calling on the telephone, knocking on doors or posting adverts on social media websites.

One of the most significant recent scams involved jailing six fraudsters at Nottingham Crown Court for conning 62 victims out of more than £10 million by selling wall and roof coatings falsely guaranteed to cure dampness and reduce heating costs.

Other scam warnings were issued recently by councils in Middlesbrough, Torbay, Liverpool and Brighton.

Propertymark suggests checking out five golden rules before agreeing to work with contractors.

  • Make sure the business is reputable.

Check the company’s website for recent reviews, ask for references and read any contract terms and conditions. Look up company accounts and information, like how long the business has been going and the names and addresses of directors on the Companies House website.

  • Look up the trader’s testimonials.

            Run the company through certified schemes for traders, like the government’s TrustMark.

  • Get any agreements in writing.

Try to get comparable quotes by speaking to three traders. Agree on a schedule of works, stage payments and ensure any contracts are fair and reasonable.

  • Keep control of the money.

Pay in agreed stages and avoid handing over upfront cash for materials. Keep some money back when the job is finished to cover snagging and learning away any rubbish. Don’t hand over money or bank transfers. Pay by credit card so you have some financial protection.

  • Take time with decisions.

Think before signing or handing over money. If a trader pressures you to decide, don’t do the deal. Reputable traders don’t need to work that desperately; stressing you is a sign that something is wrong.

Take a friend to meetings with traders if you are worried about saying no to the deal so you have some support.

How to report a scam

Although Citizens Advice does not help businesses, landlords can check out the latest energy efficiency scams through the organisation’s website during Energy Savers Week.

The campaign runs from January 15 to January 21, 2024, in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust.

Citizens Advice also offers free online tips about avoiding scams and what to do if you think you are a victim of fraudsters.

Landlords can report suspected scams to the energy regulator Ofgem through Action Fraud or by email or telephone by calling 020 7901 7295.

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