It Was Never Like This Before …

I was doing some research some time ago where the service of the notice is in question, requiring the reading of many transcripts. I found a little amusing comment that I thought worth sharing (emphasis I added) …

“… Even if, in the absence of authority, I might have come to a different decision, I do not particularly regret the result in the case of this tenant, who_, as is the way with the modern tenant, has expressed his intention not to go out until he is ejected.”_

I am often told how modern tenants nowadays always wait for court orders and how things were different in the past. So, when was this transcript? …. 85 years ago in 1925! [SCRUTTON L.J: P Phipps & Co Ltd v Rogers [1925] 1 K.B. 14]

Things maybe don’t change as much as you might think!

I was mildly amused anyway.

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Landlord Wants Tenant to Leave

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