New Section 8 Notice (England) From 4 May 2021

The Assured Tenancies and Agricultural Occupancies (Forms) (Moratorium Debt) (Consequential Amendment) (England) Regulations 2021 have been published, which create a new prescribed section 8 notice for England. 

The changes incorporate information about the breathing space regulations, which commence on 4 May 2021. 

The new section 8 notice is intended to be a permanent replacement because it contains pre-COVID notice periods. 

The debt breathing space regulations allow a person to consult a debt advisor, and the debt advisor can start a breathing space. The starting of a breathing space means no action can be taken during the period of the breathing space, including serving a section 8 notice on rent arrears grounds or issuing proceedings (even if a section 8 has already been done). 

Full details can be found in our article here

The possession wizard is live with a new section 8 added.

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