Dashboard Overview: Tenancy Builder & Account

Our website features two key dashboards, each serving a different purpose for Tenancy Builder and your account:

Tenancy Builder Dashboard

You can access the Tenancy Builder dashboard by navigating to the Tenancy Builder home page. Alternatively, it can be found within Tenancy Builder by clicking Dashboard in the sidebar.

The dashboard provides:

  • Your current credit balance, which can be updated by clicking the refresh button.
  • Usage statistics, including the number of tenancy agreements, digital signings, inventories, and more.

The Tenancy Builder website also has an overview dashboard page that displays information for the Tenancy Manager. In the sidebar, navigate to Tenancy Manager -> Overview. The page shows charts of rent arrears vs. paid, recent rent increases, tenant invoices, and more.

Account Dashboard

The Account Dashboard contains key information about your account with the Guild of Residential Landlords. Here, you can access:

  • Active subscriptions
  • Payment history (with the ability to download invoices)
  • Resources
  • Subscriber and accreditation number
  • Certificates
  • Links to manage your account, including changing your password, editing your profile, and updating card details

Additionally, several tabs within the Account Dashboard provide access to other features, such as:

  • Managing sub-users
  • Purchasing credits
  • Checking service status