Statement Runs

Tech Support Guide: Using Statement Runs in the Tenancy Manager

Statement runs are a feature of the Tenancy Manager that helps you manage rent received on behalf of other landlords. They are helpful for agents or landlords looking after relatives' properties. A video guide is also available for visual assistance.

Setting Up the Landlord for Statements

  1. Navigate to All Data in the sidebar and click Edit next to the landlord’s name.
  2. Ensure the Managed Landlord Client field is set to Yes.
  3. Add a commission percentage (can be zero) and save your changes.
  4. Make sure at least one rent payment has been entered. If needed, go to Rents, expand a record, or add a new payment.

Adding Landlord Deductions

  1. In the Statements section, click Landlord Deductions.
  2. Click Add to create a new deduction.
  3. Fill in the details:
  • Select the landlord and letting unit.
  • Add a description of the deduction (e.g., "Gas Safety Certificate").
  • Enter the amount to deduct.
  1. Optionally, upload supporting documents (e.g., invoices) and tick the box to include these in the statement email.
  2. Save the deduction.

Processing the Current Statement Run

  1. Go to Current Statement Run.
  2. Select rents to process—use the checkbox for multiple records or the Actions button for individual items.
  3. Similarly, select any deductions.
  4. Review totals for each landlord at the bottom of the page and manually pay the landlord at this stage.
  5. Complete the run:
  • Complete: Sends an email with the statement as a PDF.
  • Complete and Download: Generates a PDF for manual distribution.

Viewing Previous Statement Runs

  1. Access the Previous Statement Runs section in the sidebar.
  2. Expand a previous run to view the rents and deductions in that statement.

Key Features of Statement Runs

  • Streamlines rent collection and payments to landlords.
  • Supports custom deductions with documentation.
  • Provides clear visibility of current and past statement runs.