How to Add Sub-Users to Your Landlords Guild Account


Subscribers can add a sub-user to their account with an independent login. Please note that this feature is only available with annual and agent subscriptions (agents can add three); sub-users are not available with a quarterly subscription. The account is wholly separate but follows the primary subscription, so if the main one expires, so will the sub-user account.

Please note that any tenancies or forms created in the Tenancy Builder section are only visible to the logged-in person who created them. Any tenancies or forms created by the sub-user are not visible to the primary user.

To add a "sub-user", follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to the account page at
  2. Click on "sub-users" from the tabs at the top (or use this direct link:
  3. Click on "new record" and enter the details as prompted.
  4. The sub-user will log in using the credentials you entered above.

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Account Sharing

We have a facility that can detect sharing of login credentials.

If sharing is detected, the account becomes temporarily locked.

On rare occasions, the lock can trigger accidentally. This mainly happens if you log in multiple times within a short period from different devices or locations.

If this happens, you can submit a support ticket, and we will be happy to disable the lock where it was a mistake.

Furthermore, if you wish to allow access temporarily, you can inform us, and if we see the temporary lock, we can disable it. Please note this is a manual operation, so we may need time to see any request and access the system. It would be best to never share your login credentials, including your password, with anyone.