Submit Button Won't Work
If you get to the end of the Builder (usually page 6) and clicking submit does nothing, this means a field has incorrect data.
The first thing to check is the number fields such as rent and deposit on page 1. If you've put something other than a number (e.g. "£"), it won't work. A fix to notify users when a non-number character is inserted is being pushed to the live site soon.
Otherwise, check all dropdown options. The following are mandatory and must be selected:
Page 1 (Tenancy Details)
Country (England or Wales)
tenancy type
deposit status
Page 6 (Other and Save)
- business type of person signing
If it still won't work
If the submit button doesn't work after checking all fields, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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Fields - Page 1 - Tenancy Details
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When you are ready for final signing, you can edit the agreement later and set this back to"no"; any dates inserted will be whatever you entered(or blank). Remote signing is unavailable if you set this field to"yes". But you can edit anytime after and reset back to"no". Don't forget to submit the ag
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Digital Signing Mistake on AST? Here’s How to Fix
Question:I submitted a new AST via digital signing. Still, in the two sections(deposit and agreement signature), rather than my name and signature appearing in the"Signed by or on behalf of the Landlord" section, the tenant's details appear instead. It's my first time using this. After t
When Trying to Build, Not Seeing the Save and Build Dropdown
If you see a popup, click dismiss. Do NOT add a profile. Choose options from the first two dropdowns on page 1(tenancy type and deposit). Select a landlord from the dropdown(if none, add a new one). Select a letting unit from the dropdown(if none, add a new one). Enter a fixed term from date(o
Fields - Page 6 - Other and Save
All the inserted data will be saved, and the record will be visible in the tenancies list. When ready to continue, select" edit" from the actions button in the tenancies list and edit the agreement. Save and build the agreement Selecting this option will build the agreement upon clicking submit. Aft
Agreement Failed (or Hangs In Progress)
Edit the agreement and remove all the attachment files by clicking"remove file" in each box. Then, go to the last page, select"save and build", and submit. This will build again but without the attachments. If this now works, we can have some confidence one of the uploaded attachments was the cause
Fields - Page 1 - Tenancy Details
When you are ready for final signing, you can edit the agreement later and set this back to"no"; any dates inserted will be whatever you entered(or blank). Remote signing is unavailable if you set this field to"yes". But you can edit anytime after and reset back to"no". Don't forget to submit the ag
Quick Start - Tenancy Builder 3
On the last page, select"Save for later" if you wish to return later before producing the PDF or" save and build" to create the PDF. Click submit. The Builder will display the progress of creating the agreement live, and it takes about 30 seconds but can be up to 10 minutes, depending on third-party
Digital Signing Mistake on AST? Here’s How to Fix
Question:I submitted a new AST via digital signing. Still, in the two sections(deposit and agreement signature), rather than my name and signature appearing in the"Signed by or on behalf of the Landlord" section, the tenant's details appear instead. It's my first time using this. After t