Tenancy Manager Settings

To send rent-due reminders and download reminders or invoices, some information must be set up first.

From the settings page found in the sidebar underneath Tenancy Manager, fill out the following fields:

Email Footer - the text will be inserted at the bottom of any emails the system sends. For example, "Many thanks, John Smith".

Company Name - This will be the reply-to name when emailing. It will also be used at the top of PDF invoices. It can be your personal name and doesn't have to be a company name. If you're an agent, use the agent company name, and if you're a landlord, it should match the landlord name in the tenancy agreements you issue.

Invoice/statement address - this will be used in PDF invoices, reminders or statements. It is your address and will usually match the landlord's address in the tenancy agreements you issue.

Email for replies - when our system sends an email like a rent reminder and the tenant clicks reply, this will be the email they will reply to. It should be your primary email.

Bank details - in PDF invoices or rent reminders, we insert an option for the tenant to pay into your bank. These details will be inserted at the bottom of PDFs.

Logo - optionally upload a company logo used when downloading invoices, reminders or statements.