The Rents Page

The rents view is likely the page you'll visit the most in Tenancy Manager, especially if you have multiple letting units.

The rents view shows a list of all tenancies used in Tenancy Manager alongside the current amount due in rent.

To have a tenancy be visible in the rents view, certain things must have been set up first. You can see the quick start guide for more information, but briefly, the following must have been set up in a tenancy inside Tenancy Builder:

  • A landlord selected from the dropdown
  • A letting unit selected from the dropdown
  • The rent amount and rental period
  • The toggle to use in Tenancy Manager and the next rent date.

If you don't see a particular tenancy in the rents view, please go to Tenancies in the sidebar; from the actions button, choose Enable TM Features and enter all the information required:

  • Select a landlord from the dropdown. If none are shown, click to add a new landlord and choose afterwards.
  • Select a letting unit from the dropdown. If none are shown, add a new one and then select it.
  • Enter the rent amount, the first full payment date, periods and the next rent date as necessary. The next rent date must be in the future, and this is when our system will start adding rent due in the rent history table.
  • Click save

Options located at the top of the page

Several options are available at the top of the rent view, detailed below, working left to right.

Bulk Actions

If multiple records are selected on the left, bulk actions become available, and an option to copy all the tenant service emails becomes available.

On click, a comma-separated list of all the selected emails will be copied to your clipboard.

You can paste this into any email client for easy emailing to multiple tenants simultaneously with the same email. For example, you may have a block of four flats and wish to inspect the whole block at once. This way, you can write the same email to all. Be sure not to share recipient emails with other tenants accidentally, and depending on your email client, you may need to use the BCC field.

Arrears >0

You can use the Arrears toggle only to display tenancies with arrears greater than zero. Toggle off to show all records.


You can use the search to filter records by contents of the address, name, email and phone fields.

Refresh button

The refresh button is helpful if you've entered a rent amount or due but the balance didn't update properly.

Column picker

Use the column chooser to display or hide columns in the view.

Export button

You can choose to export all tenancies from the export button, or if you have selected individual records using the boxes on the left of each record, you can export selected records. Please note this export only exports the fields visible in the rent view (which you can change via the column selector).

Add new tenancy

The add new tenancy button is the same as if you were adding a new tenancy in Tenancy Builder. Choose the country and add a tenancy as usual.

Expand a tenancy

Clicking the small grey arrow on the left of each record will expand the tenancy to show more information, which can be viewed by selecting the corresponding tabs:

  • Rent history
  • Rent increases
  • Rent info
  • Invoices
  • Notes
  • Sub-meter readings

Rent History tab

The rent history tab shows all amounts due and paid and a balance.

Each record can be edited or deleted using the links on the right.

From the rent history tab, several actions can be performed.


From the reminders button (on the right), you can send an email reminder or download a PDF reminder to post or email from your client.

For sending reminders, you'll first need to set up your name and address, reply to email, email footer, and upload your logo (if applicable). This is done in the settings page found in the sidebar.

Add amounts due or paid

To add an amount due or paid, click "Add" and choose due or payment. A new record will be created where you can fill in the details.

If you're importing a long-term tenant into the system, we recommend adding one amount due and one paid of multiple payments combined rather than hundreds of dues and payments. For example, if they've been in occupation for three years, you could add an amount owing of £20,000 and a paid of £20,000 to make the balance zero (change the amounts to the total due and paid). You must retain the rent schedule from your previous rent tracking system.

Column picker

Display or hide columns in the view using the column selector


Select to export the rent history to Excel or PDF.

Rent increases tab

The rent increases tab lets you track when and how you last increased the rent. Please note that this does not create forms or send letters; it is for your information only to log the event.

Click "Add" from the right and enter all details as necessary.

Please note: you must manually edit the rent in the "Rent info" tab (see next) for the system to automatically add the new rent amount.

Rent info tab

The rent info tab should only be edited when instructed. It contains primary information for our system calculations and adding new rents due.

If you do a rent increase, you must edit the rent amount field so our system will add the correct amount.

Only change the current rent day or next rent day fields if you are sure you know what you're doing. These fields directly affect how and when our system adds new rents to the tenancy. Please submit a support ticket if in doubt.

Invoices tab

You can add tenant invoices and track payments towards the invoice from this tab. You wouldn't ordinarily use this for rent as that is independently tracked from the rent history tab. Tenant invoices are used for things like damages at the end of a tenancy.

Add a new invoice using the add button on the right.

To add payments towards a tenant invoice, expand the invoice using the grey arrow on the left and click add.

Notes tab

Add or edit notes for the tenancy. Notes can be pinned so they stay at the top.

Sub-meter readings

Sub-meter readings are a unique feature for tracking sub-meter readings where a landlord invoices tenants for utilities.

On adding a meter reading, a tenant invoice is automatically added.

Please see the sub-meter readings page for more details.