Video Help for Tenancy Builder & Manager Features
Below is a list of short videos providing help with features and using Tenancy Builder and Tenancy Manager.
The Tenancy Builder/Manager part of the website is available at
Tenancy Builder
Create a tenancy in Tenancy Builder
Create and use a profile.
Add a new landlord to Tenancy Builder (also used in Tenancy Manager)
Add a Letting Unit into Tenancy Builder (also used in Tenancy Manager)
Add a team sub-user
Tenancy Manager
Introduction and overview of Tenancy Manager.
Import an existing tenancy not already within Builder to the Tenancy Manager to track rents and inspections.
Use Tenancy Manager features for a tenancy built-in Tenancy Builder.
Performing statement runs where rent received is passed to other clients or relatives.
AI Inventory
Create an inventory using AI